
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to develop a charismatic personality:

  Introduction: The ability to engage with people and be charismatic is a highly vital quality to have to succeed in various spheres of life. People who are eager to assist you in your endeavors and believe in what you stand for are drawn to you like a magnet by your charisma. It's a crucial character attribute to have and sort of a fundamental life skill since it allows you to get what you want out of circumstances while still being a nice person. In this article, you will get to know how certain minor yet important things help you to form a charismatic personality. Let’s extract the treasures of a charismatic personality. Behavior:   The first thing that people notice about you is the way you behave. The way you walk, sit or speak. To be more charismatic your way of walking should be elegant but one thing to keep in mind is that it shouldn’t show that you are walking with attitude or arrogance because there is a huge difference between confiden

Take a look at how humans form their identities?

  I ntroduction:                             Identity is a trait that distinguishes a person or a thing from others. In this world full of familiar people it's our identity that makes us unique, which makes us recognizable. It helps us to stand out in the crowd. But how do humans form their identities? Do values play a role in forming identities? And the most important topic to discuss is how do we identify things? In this article, you will be able to get valuable knowledge regarding how humans form their identities and a deeper dive into values and identities with a bit of psychology and neuroscience. Human identities:                             Humans form their identities by valuing and practicing things on a day-to-day basis. Humans have two kinds of identities “given” and “created”. Let’s first take a look at what given and created identities.                           Given identities are those identities through which a person gets identified by the traits given to them by

Do you know that expectations play a most important role in our daily life?

  Introduction:                                  In daily life, we always anticipate the outcomes of the work we are going to complete. Before beginning anything, we have a strong belief that this item will manifest in a specific way. Expectations have a significant influence on us. But we consistently undervalue the significance of expectation. Expectation actually gives us the capacity to carry out multiple tasks. Numerous studies have demonstrated that if we have high expectations for the future, those expectations will undoubtedly come true. The impact of expectations on us is extensively covered in this article. Why are expectations important?                                   Expectations are actually a belief about what will happen in the future. We believe that a certain thing will happen in a certain way. In this way, we create expectation fantasies which play a very important role in our daily life. Every action that we take is inspired by the expectation of the outcome. How

Is multitasking good for your brain?

Introduction:                             In this universe, completing numerous things at once is seen as a kind of accomplishment. Another issue in today's interconnected society is that we frequently do not even recognize when we are multitasking. Like we multitask unknowingly while eating. Every time our phone rings we immediately check it without even finishing the meal. But this behavior is really injurious to our brain health. In this post, you will learn how damaging the effects of multitasking are to your brain. What is multitasking?                             Multitasking is performing more than one task at the same time. In multitasking, we switch from one task, reset our brain and retrieve relevant information to perform that task. We often consider multitasking a win but in reality, multitasking has a really bad effect on our brain. According to research not every human can multitask, only 2 percent of us can perform multiple tasks at the same time.     Does multitaski

Look at how practicing mindfulness meditation can improve your life.

  Introduction:                                   I wasn’t familiar with the term “Mindfulness meditation” before reading “Think like a monk” by Jay Shetty. I highly recommend this book because for me this book brings a lot of positivity in me and knowledge of a great thing “Meditation”. Meditation has really huge advantages for us. According to different research on meditation, it is proved that it has a very beneficial impact on our brain and our physical health. And not only this, with mindfulness meditation you can actually overcome your fears which helped me a lot in overcoming my fear. So, I thought to share this valuable knowledge with you about mindfulness meditation. In this article, you will get to know what mindfulness meditation is and how it impacts our brains. What are its physical and emotional benefits? And how to overcome your fears with mindfulness meditation? What exactly Is mindful meditation?                              We exercise to maintain a healthy and fit b